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Scottish Gins

Ellis Gin

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Ellis Gin was initially created in late 2016 by founder Carol Jackson as the base for the highly successful Gin&Mix cocktails. The gin evolved over a period of 18 months and Ellis Gin officially launched in September 2018 as two flavoured, coloured gins, Scottish Bramble and Butterfly Pea.

Ellis Gin is discreetly distilled by Illicit Spirits in a hidden railway arch in Glasgow. Produced in a 100 litre copper still in small batches but with big flavours. Ellis is a real family affair, named affectionately after Carol’s daughter, each bottle is hand bottled, hand labelled, hand sealed and individually numbered by the family.

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Ellis Butterfly Pea Gin

Ellis Butterfly Pea Gin

Using the Asian Butterfly pea botanical, which is commonly used in medicinal teas, it naturally colours and slightly sweetens the gin. It is a vibrant blue colour but when tonic is added the gin enchantingly changes to a gorgeous lilac colour.


Key Botanical(s): Citrus, Angelica, Butterfly Pea
Gin Style: Contemporary
Strength: 40% vol
Goes great with: A wedge of orange, tonic and ice.


Method: Distilled (Contract)
Location: Illicit Spirits Distillery, Glasgow City, Scotland


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