An international celebration
of all things Scottish Gin.

Scottish Gin Merchants

Find your perfect gin – The Scottish Gin Merchants is a specialist online retailer for all things Scottish Gin. Established by The Gin Cooperative, the website has the world’s largest selection of Scottish Gins from an online, independent retailer with the website stocking over 350 Scottish Gins. Each product comes with a wealth of information about the Scottish Gin including the key flavours, production methods, suggest serves and more.

Along with Scottish Gins you’ll find a Scottish Gin Subscription service, Tasting Packs that cover regions, gin styles and flavour themes along with the ability to build your own bespoke tasting pack featuring a range of Scottish Gin miniatures.

Find your perfect gin Find your perfect gin
Find your perfect gin

“We set out to create an online shop for Scottish Gin that not only had an amazing selection of Scottish Gins but also provided our customers with in-depth information about each product. We believe that providing our customers with more than just the basics helps them make better, informed choices when looking to buy their next Scottish Gin.”

Martin Reid, Co-Founder,

Find your perfect gin